Delphi Palm Conduit Library

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The Delphi Conduit Class Library is a support library for Delphi 4 - 7 (and C++ Builder with minimal effort) to enable the easy development of Palm Conduit DLLs. It provides a framework for the quick creation of the DLLs, and a set of components that make manipulating remote Palm tables practically identical to using a standard TTable component.


22 August 2003 Those of you who've been checking the Summary page would have seen that I've recently completed work on converting the library to dynamically load the Palm DLLs, rather than requiring them to be on the system search path. This not only makes things much easier for releasing conduits to clients, it also makes it easier for developers when they first install the library onto their systems for development work. The library has also had some other minor enhancements and bugfixes since the last major release, such as adding in support for the Palm TimeType noTime constant, and fixing up several events that weren't being called.
15 March 2003 The big news is the re-opening of my project here at SourceForge. Since my website was down anyway during a recent office upgrade, I decided it would be a perfect time to shift everything over, and get access to all the goodies like discussion boards and CVS control.

The initial release here at SourceForge is 1.14 - I had actually intended to put more into 1.14, most notably better support for reading PDB files (some tools, such as in Falch.Net, don't exactly follow the padding byte standard specified by Palm). But I figured it was more important to get a version available for download again, and work on the PDB support later. Logo